An annual community march hosted by the Eugene/Springfield NAACP! Come out on the birthday of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, to honor the ongoing struggle for a truly just society and to stand up for a balanced Democracy. This year's theme is "United for Justice: Many Voices, One Movement".
Everyone is welcome! Come out in support of dignity and Equality for all People!
Congregate starting at 9 am at Autzen Stadium at the X and O statues along Martin Luther King Boulevard for the 10 am kick off of the annual march to The Shedd Institute. This year’s program will be from 11:45 am - 1:30 pm.
9-10 am - congregate at North gate of Autzen Stadium
9:00 am - President Hawkins’ welcome
10-11 am - March to The Shedd Institute
The route from Autzen stadium MLK side to Alton Baker Park, through Noble Peace Park then over the DeFazio Bridge, onto 3rd and High Street, and ending at the Shedd Institute.
11 am - arrive at The Shedd Institute
Marchers can enter through the Tykeson Lobby or the courtyard (off Broadway) or come in through the High Street doors.
11:45 am - Celebration begins in Jaqua Concert Hall
1:30 pm - End of Celebration