Notes from the director... June 2024
Music Education Through Discovery and Play
by Heidi Turnquist, Director of Education
Experiencing a wide range of musical styles and instruments enriches our lives. All too often we hear stories of people being “stuck” with the wrong instrument as a teenager with no option to try something different, so they stop playing instead.
Our unique Music Box class and SongFest Summer Camps introduce the amazing world of music with hands-on explorations of different instruments, songs, and musical styles, while sneaking in some music theory basics along the way.
School Philosophy
The Shedd Institute's mission is "to serve as a cultural center where people find and nurture community
through discovery, creation, and celebration.” Our Community Music School reflects this mission in practice
by encouraging experimentation (with instruments, instructors, musical styles) and the joy of making
personal connections; responding to inquiry and supporting collaborations; and eliminating the stultifying
“pressure of excellence” when celebrating student learning.
You are the music. The Shedd Institute Music School provides private and semi-private music, voice,
and dance instruction designed to fit you and your interests. Our primary goal is that our students
continue to make music throughout their lives for their own enjoyment, to share with your family and friends,
not to perform in Carnegie Hall! At The Shedd, you are the music, and the music is for you!
We believe that it is critical for each student to find the instrument, musical style(s), and instructor that best
fit his/her interests, learning styles, schedule, and budget. Often, that "fit" changes with the student's growing
experiences, and we provide options for students to make those changes flexibly and without feeling guilty about it.